Troubleshooting Your Writing

  3 Hours
  PDF Certificate
Access: 90 Days
CEU: 0.3

Course Description

Writing is central to our personal and professional lives. Errors in writing can derail a job application, miscommunicate a plan, and confuse our audience in many ways. This course will guide you through the writing process, from brainstorming the content to polishing the final draft. Along the way, you'll be given tips for how to speed up the writing process and ensure that you send out error-free writing. Topics include time management, structure, crafting complex and clear sentences, and troubleshooting common grammar errors.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Identify effective strategies for revision
  • Describe the importance of structure in writing
  • Identify key structural components of effective writing
  • Understand the importance of specificity in writing
  • Write well-organized paragraphs
  • Identify unnecessary words and phrases
  • Revise choppy sentences into complex sentences
